I last updated this page on Monday, October 25, 1999

Questions & Answers

Sent in from a friend:

Q: Is there any other ways to give the sea-monkeys oxygen, besides buying the million-bubble air pump? If so how? Could it be done with a straw, by blowing into it?
A: Yes, a straw would work but try to blow a lot of air in because not all of the air you're blowing in would be oxygene.

Sent in from a friend:

Q: How many times a day should air be put into the tank?
A: Once a day is best.

Sent in from a friend:

Q: What is the best way to transport Sea-Monkeys?
A: It depends how far you want to take them. If you don't want to take them too far, pump the tank with lots of air, and tape the top of the tank making sure there are no holes. I don't know how you would transport them if you wanted to transport them very far. I CAN'T GUARANTEE IT'LL WORK.

I also have another answer to that question sent in from: Sherry Po Chi Wu. Here's what Sherry wrote:

"If your going to travel a fairly short distance I recommend the guy who asked the question to put them in the "port-a-pet" pocket aqaurium playpen. The scientists say that only put 6 of your sea-monkeys in there. But I say the max. would be around 10. If your going to travel long distances use the "sea-bubble"pendent which is kinda like a necklace. And again the maximum is around 10. The best way to transfer the sea-monkeys from the regular tank to any of these products (the pocket playpen is the regular tank to SOME PEOPLE) is to use the the "aqua-leash.""

Sent in from a friend:

Q: Do grown up Sea-Monkeys turn into sea gorillas??
A: Grown up Sea-Monkeys don't turn into sea gorillas. They remain Sea-Monkeys.

Q: Do Sea-Monkeys have hair??
A: Scientifically, they don't. But, the males look like they have hair when in fact, what looks like hair is really ""graspers" or appendages that they use like arms, usually to clutch onto a female" (That was taken from the hanbook)

Q: Do Sea-Monkeys eat Sea-Bananas??
A: No, they don't eat Sea-Bananas. But, you can buy a treat for your Sea-Monkeys called Banana Treat - a Sea-Monkey desert.

Sent in from a friend:

Q: How do you tell the difference between male and female Sea-Monkeys?
A: This is copied from the Sea-Monkey hanbook: Sea-Monkeys come in two sexes: male and female. Upon reaching young adulthood, you can easily tell the sexes apart. The boys (males) have what looks like "whiskers" growing under their "chins". In reality these are "graspers" or appendages that they use like arms, usually to clutch onto a female. The girls (females) have smaller heads, and the most noticeable feature is a small pill-like egg sac located where her tail joins her body. When newly born they're acorn-shaped and it's impossible to tell the "difference".

Sent in from a friend:

Q: How big are these Sea-Monkeys when they are full grown?
A: On average, 1/2"-3/4" long.

From the Official Sea-Monkey Handbook:

Q: What do I do if after following the "book" I don't see any Sea-Monkeys come to life?
A: Don't panic! Calmly turn to the inside back cover of this book, and read *"Emergency Instructions"*.
I have no doubt that you be able to bring your Sea-Monkeys to life even if YOU overlooked "something" or made an error somewhere along the line. These special instructions will show you what to look for, and guide you to the remedy for your particular situation. Only if the eggs themselves were destroyed by being stored in or near excessive heat, can your Sea-Monkey kit fail to work. In that unlikely condition, you rely on the Sea-Monkey Replacement Guarantee printed on the cover of this book.

Q: Do Sea-Monkeys eat their young - or each other?
A: No, Sea-Monkeys are gentle creatures that eat marine flora such as algae, and a variety of prepared Sea-Monkey foods and nutrients that are available.

Q: Can I put my Sea-Monkeys in an aquarium with other fish?
A: No! Sea-Monkeys must remain in the bio-chemical formula in which they were born and raised. If put into an aquarium with other fish or aquatic animals, they will be eaten alive!

Q: How can I transfer my Sea-Monkeys to a larger bowl or aquarium?
A: Because of their small size, Sea-Monkeys are perfectly "proportioned" for their quarters, and will not appear to be "lost" as they would in a large aquarium. The 12 ounce "Micro-Vue" Ocean Zoo (Item No. 50) can contain as many as 100 adult Sea-Monkeys without overcrowding them. They merely require a minimum of 2 cc of water per animal for a healthy existence. However, if you insist on a larger aquarium for your pets, use one package of Jumbo Living Plasma (Part No. 23) and one package of Water Purifier (Part No. 28) for each quart of water used. To satisfy this need we make a unique, amazing 1 gallon folding "Terraquarium" (Item No. 1044), the biggest aquarium your Sea-Monkeys will ever need.

Q: Where can I find technical information about Sea-Monkeys for my Science Project?
A: Refer to "Artemia salina" (the scientific nomenclature for Sea-Monkeys) in books on Invertebrate Zoology. (Recommended are "Fresh-Water Invertebrates of the United States" by Dr. Robert W. Pennak and "Culture of Marine Invertebrate Animals" - Plenum Publishing Co., N. Y. 10011). Surprisingly enough, although you will fing only limited technical data on the biology of Sea-Monkeys, this little Handbook contains more useful information on their total maintenance than you are likely to find anywhere else, since there has never been a need to know how to raise Sea-Monkeys in the home.

Q: I looked carefully but can't find the answer to my question in this handbook.
A: If you have a special question that is not listed in this handbook you can write to use for an answer. Although this service is offered as a free courtesy, to receive a reply you MUST enclose a 1st class STAMPED, self-addressed return envelope. Mail the return envelope and question to: SEA-MONKEY INFORMATION CENTER, Bryans Road, MD 20616-0809.

Q: What are some OTHER odd characteristics of Sea-Monkeys?
A: When born, your Sea-Monkey has but ONE eye, right in the middle of his "forehead". As he grows older, he grows two more eyes on each side of the middle one, making him a THREE EYED "freak" of nature. Eventually, he sheds his "baby" eye, and from then on he has perfectly "normal" eyes.

Now there is only room for one more curiosity as this book ends: Believe it or not, Sea-Monkeys BREATHE through their FEET! Because Sea-Monkey gills (water lungs) are located at the top of his hollow legs, he sucks up oxygen-bearing water through his FEET, as easily as you suck soda through a straw. Remembering all that you have learned about Sea-Monkeys, you can now appreciate your pets all the more, knowing that YOU now own one of the STRANGEST creatures found in nature.

This page © Copyright 1998, 1999, 2010, d_seamonkeys@yahoo.com.

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