I last updated this page on Sunday, January 30, 2000

Adopt A Sea-Monkey

If you are here, I'm guessing that you want to adopt a Sea-Monkey. Am I correct? Well, these aren't real Sea-Monkeys like you might have been thinking. Here, you can adopt "cyber" Sea-Monkeys. To view the Sea-Monkeys click *here*. To view the objects downloadable for your Sea-Monkeys, click *here*. Once you have filled out the form, I will visit your site to make sure that it is OK. and that you are a good "parent" for your adopted Sea-Monkey(s).

Here are the requirements to adopt Sea-Monkey(s).

Before you adopt Sea-Monkey(s), you should know this:

Now that you've read the requirements and understand everything, you can fill out the form!

What's your name?

What's your e-mail address?

What are you naming your Sea-Monkey?

Is your Sea-Monkey male or female?

What's the name of your website's main page?

What's the URL or your website's main page?

What's the URL of the page you are going to put your Sea-Monkey on?

This page © Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2010, d_seamonkeys@yahoo.com.